A series of URLs to test Google's parameter handling.

Lower Case
A URL with a parameter in lower case. If all 3 case variations appear in GSC parameter reports, then Google parameter handling is case sensitive.

Sentence Case
A URL with a parameter in sentence case. If all 3 case variations appear in GSC parameter reports, then Google parameter handling is case sensitive.

Upper Case
A URL with a parameter in upper case. If all 3 case variations appear in GSC parameter reports, then Google parameter handling is case sensitive.

Space Encoded
A URL with a single encoded space. If all space encoding variations appear in GSC parameter reports, then Google parameter handling is encoding sensitive.

Space Double Encoded
A URL with a double encoded space. If all space encoding variations appear in GSC parameter reports, then Google parameter handling is encoding sensitive.

Plus Encoding
A URL with an encoded + character as a space. If the plus encoding variations appear in GSC parameter reports, then Google parameter handling sensitive to space/plus characters.

Lower Plus Encoding
A URL with a single encoded + character as a space (lower case encoded). If this parameter appears in GSC parameter reports, then Google is sensitive to encoding character case.

Disallowed Monitoring Count
A URL with a disallowed parameter to see if it is counted in GSC Monitored URLs. If the parameter shows up in GSC parameter reports, then disallowed URLs are included in the Monitored URLs metric.

Stripping Managed Parameters
A URL with a parameter which is set to "Does Not Change Content" in GSC, to see if Google crawls the ?cleaned URL, or ignores it.

Ordering A->B
A URL with 2 parameters in a specific order. If Google crawls both order variations, then Google is sensitive to parameter order.

Ordering B->A
Another URL with 2 parameters in a specific order. If Google crawls both order variations, then Google is sensitive to parameter order.

Disallowed & Stripped Order
A URL with a parameter which is disallowed and which is set to "Does Not Change Content". If Google crawls the cleaned2 URL, then the parameter removal applies before the disallow rules.